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Jun 24
I’m on the combined pill and i feel as though i have become really emotional recently, i am crying all the time and i keep picking fights with my boyfriend, does this happen to anyone else? Brand: Rigevidon
Jun 24
You can try to switch pills but you may not have luck. If you feel like ur pill is causing mood swings then you might want to consider going on a non hormonal option such as the copper IUD.
Jun 24
Is there anything going on in your life that might be contributing to those emotions? Stress, anxiety, big life changes? Any particular conversations that are triggering for you? Do you feel safe and calm at home? Or are you constantly in a state of "fight or flight"? Do you have a way to process these emotions? Either by talking to someone, journaling, meditation, exercise etc? Have you mentioned this to your doctor? Maybe they can refer you to be seen by a therapist. I see that you recently switched to a different pill (and are going through an adjustment phase of 3-6 months) but it seems that you were experiencing this even on the mini pill. Another pill/methods with different dosage might work better or a non-hormonal option such as copper IUD as mentioned by @angel420, it's really trial and error unfortunately.

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