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Jun 27
Good morning everyone, I’ve had the Mirena IUD consistently since October of 2018. I got a new one put in December 2022. Since having the Mirena I’ve had regular cycles ranging from 26-32 days and typically have a 3 day “period” that is super light, basically spotting, slight cramps and I can wear a liner the entire day. There’s been a few times over the last year my period was a couple days or a week late. Last summer my period disappeared for three months then came back. I was having cysts growing on my ovaries and one ruptured which sent me to the ER from pain in August 2023. Since August 2023 I’ve had consistent periods. This month my period is 19 days late. Just to make sure I have taken at least 12 pregnancy urine tests (lines and digital) they have all been negative. However, I took one this morning and I’m sure I’m going crazy, however, I feel like I see a second faint line. Opinions on this test, y’all can tell me I’m just seeing things and being anxious that’s fine. Also has anyone else’s period just disappeared after years of having an IUD? Thank you in advance! Brand: Mirena (IUS)
Jun 27
Looks negative to me
Jun 27
Looks negative to me also
Jun 27
also looks negative to me
Jun 27
Clear negative x
Jun 27
I would like to point out that taking 12 pregnancy tests and still having doubts about the results is pretty extreme and it is probably a good idea to use condoms until you trust your birth control.
Jun 27
Definitely negative. Irregular bleeding is a common side effect of the IUD so yes that’s normal. Agree with above, definitely use condoms if you don’t trust your bc x

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