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Mar 1
hi again! i’m still on desogestrel as i have been for i want to say 5/6 months now? i think? and i am STILL bleeding. constantly for this long, however last month i had 4 days where i wasn’t and this month ive had 7 days where i wasnt, then when i came back on its been heavy bleeding since, whereas before it wasn’t. i’m honestly going insane with it and i don’t know what to do, i don’t want to mess my hormones around and change the pill but i would love to know if it will eventually stop and i should wait it out, or if it will continue for a long time. thank you in advance for any help x
Mar 1
Is there a reason you can't be on the combined pill?
Mar 1
@aurielle i was on it from being 14-18 to help with my heavy periods, which it did help with but also made me extremely depressed, im also petrified of blood so my hope was that it’d stop it completely
Mar 2
Just give ur body time it should stop since you aren’t supposed to get a period while on the mini pill.
Mar 2
I think you’re still just adjusting to the pill, it shouldn’t have any break weeks at all so eventually you should stop bleeding completely give it a bit more time but if it keeps going for another month or two maybe consult a doctor and see if it’s worth switching or still just waiting it out

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