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Jun 26
At what point do you go to urgent care or the emergency room because you’re having problems with your nose? I haven’t heard from my insurance for an ENT doctor and I’m getting frustrated not being able to breath right I am so uncomfortable at night I’ve already talked with my doctor about sending a referral for an ENT doctor It’s been almost 3 weeks since I have seen her Usually I am able to call recommended place to get an appt Short story I had surgery my junior year of high school for a deviated septum and I now think I’ve done significant damage
Jun 26
That sounds terrible!! Maybe you could try going on Zocdoc and searching for an ENT specialist yourself. You can filter by the insurance you have
Jun 26
If you're feeling extremely uncomfortable, especially at night, and you're having trouble breathing, it may be a good idea to consider going to urgent care or the emergency room for evaluation. Difficulty breathing can be a serious symptom that should not be ignored. In the meantime, you can try some home remedies to help alleviate your symptoms, such as using a humidifier, taking a steamy shower, or using saline nasal sprays to help with congestion. However, if your symptoms worsen or if you feel that your breathing is significantly impacted, it's important to seek medical attention promptly. If you're still waiting for an appointment with an ENT doctor and you're feeling increasingly uncomfortable, it may also be helpful to follow up with your primary care doctor to see if there are any other options or if they can expedite the referral process.
Jun 26
@boi_ I just got a call from a place for my nose but unfortunately they are book till December I went ahead and took the appt @xitty_ I’ve been using the saline the past 2 days Well yesterday and this morning so will see if it fixes somewhat And yea I get pretty mad waking up at night because of my nose
Jun 26
Do you have allergies? Do you have an air purifier/filter in your room? Do you have a humidifier in your room? Why do you think you have done significant damage? Was the deviated septum surgery successful? Did you go to the check up appointments during your recovery? Are you able to see the doctor who did your surgery?
Jun 27
@Pandafan1 honestly I probably do now, I’ve never experienced anything like this. I do not have a purifier or humidifier. I kept blowing and blowing. Yes the surgery was successful, I’m sneering away from that thought. I went to the post op to get the packing out and it was horrible getting them taken out to the point I almost threw up but everything after that was fine. Unfortunately I do not live where the doctor who did the surgery. I live in a different state currently and the surgery was back in 2006 and I wouldn’t be able to see him anyways because of insurance change I did set up an appt with a doctor at a place I have been before when I had ear issues but I won’t see the doc until December. That was when they could get me in.
Jun 27
If you have allergies then you might also need to start using allergy nasal spray or allergy pills. Mine are pretty bad that I have to use both allergy nasal spray and allergy pill all year long. You should definitely consider getting a room filter as it does make a difference. Do you have covers on your bedroom pillow and mattress I’m not talking about bedsheets. They make covers that are supposed to help reduce allergens. I had my deviated septum surgery in 2014. I definitely remember how unpleasant it was to get the packing removed. I didn’t throw up but a large chunk of dried blood dislodged after the packing got removed and it caused me to choke so that was not fun.
Jun 27
@Pandafan1 I’ve taken allertec but it doesn’t work I bought the generic brand of Allegra and it doesn’t seem to be working at all I might need a prescription for a stronger med 🤷‍♀️ Yes I have a mattress protector on my mattress I may look into the allergen cover though but I’m also way picky on what I get I’m looking at purifiers right now Oh wow, yea I didn’t have chunks coming out that I remembersilvertink88
Jun 27
@Pandafan1 just ordered me a purifier on Amazon I legit forgot to look at the mattress covers while I was at Walmart and I was in that area too
Jun 27
There is prescription allergy pill and prescription nasal spray. Unless the over the counter allergy spray helps you enough then you don’t have to get the prescription. You also might need to do nasal spray and allergy pill for it to help with your symptoms.
Jun 28
@Pandafan1 I’ll have to see what the doc says in December or when I see my regular doc, I’ll ask her too about it Today wasn’t bad
Jul 1
Update: this is not allergy related at this point Can’t sleep what so ever Air purifier that I bought doesn’t help because again this is not allergies Every time I go to blow my nose, something up there does not come down It’s a part of my nose I’m 100 percent taking myself into the ER tomorrow
Jul 3
Was the ER able to help?
Jul 3
@Pandafan1 I didn’t go My dad had these nose strips that has been working through the night with no problem I don’t wake up in the middle of night because of my nose My dad also called the ENT to see if can get on the cancellation list but the place doesn’t do that so they said to just keep calling to see if there was So for it’s the nose strips and calling the ent every other day or so So far since that night I have been fine I’m buying another spray to see if that works better than the saline
Jul 6
Update: the spray I got the other day has been working wonders throughout the day I am not suffering as much Only time I do is when I first wake up but I’m pretty sure that’s normal 😂
Jul 13
Yes I use the nose spray in the morning. I’ve only ever used saline nose gel to help with moisture as I’m prone to getting dry nostrils. It’s good that the nose spray is helping

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