My break week is next week. I have cramping in my lower stomach that feels like period cramps. Is this possible that this is period cramps? My last pill is tomorrow. Just getting a little concerned
Brand: Apri
Nov 1 24 11:43
Cramps are a normal side effect of the pill.
Nov 1 24 12:10
Also there’s nothing concerning if you experience cramps, your body will not always react the same like clockwork when being on birth control
Nov 1 24 12:17
Yeah I know. But since ppl always say the break week isnt a real period, its like why would my body be cramping before. Ya know? If this makes sense lol @sEechell
Nov 1 24 12:56
@pearls4ever why? Answer is quite simple; because PMS symptoms are all side effects of the pill
Nov 1 24 22:17
I think its normal, same thing is happening to me right now- last active pill was yesterday before break week and this morning and last night ive had cramps and some spotting