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Jul 16
Just venting but cars are so expensive 😭 in just a month of owning a car I have managed to bang it up on the side of a parking garage and get a flat tire. Fortunately insurance covered the first instance but I had to pay the $500 deductible and now $450 for the tire 😫 (it's an electric car so it requires specific tires that cost more.) I'm not a great driver so it is my fault but dang I did not realize how fragile cars can be and how much they cost to repair. Makes me regret buying a nice car tbh
Jul 16
about to buy my first car and im scared !!!
Jul 16
@onthepillxo it's a good feeling just be prepared and factor the maintenance costs into your budget!
Jul 16
I don’t drive, but for my job I review personal budgets and after seeing how much payments, gas, and insurance are, I’m not in a rush to get one lol
Jul 16
Update they only charged $380 for the tire so that's an improvement and I'm glad, but it's still not a trivial amount lol
Jul 17
I love my car, I feel so free with it, but damn it sucks up money 🫣
Jul 17
Agree. I love my car but right now I need a new air filter bc it’s the summer and my AC isn’t working, I also need new wiper blades, and who knows what else 😐 I feel when I go to the garage they’re gonna tell me I need a plethora of things done to it lol

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