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Jul 19
hey everyone! quick question. i work at a pool and tomorrow i am headed on a roadtrip after work and i have to pack my birth control in the car with me. it is going to be hot tomorrow around 84, and i was wondering if my pills will be okay in the car. will they lose effectiveness?
Jul 19
I’d check your pamphlet but as far as I’m aware pills can safely be stored between 15-30 Celsius which would be 59-86 Fahrenheit
Jul 19
I would keep the pills in the place you’re staying. Away from direct sunlight. It heats up in a car pretty bad so it’ll probably rise above 84 in there.
Jul 19
Don't leave them in the car unattended during the day as the inside of a car will get much hotter than 84. Bring them with you in a purse or bag and they should be fine

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