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Dec 30 24
So I’ve been on birth control for 3 years now and last month I didn’t take my last 3 pills before my break week and had unprotected sex. This month I’ve taken all my pills at the right time but for this last week of my active pills I’ve been bleeding for 9 days now. Just started my sugar pills but still bleeding lightly and waiting to see if I will continue to bleed more during my withdrawal week. Just kind of scared but I’ve taken a couple pregnancy tests and they have been negative. I’m just very confused why I was bleeding for a whole week of active pills not sure if it is pregnancy or just affects missing pills last month
Dec 30 24
Sounds like just breakthrough bleeding you’ll be fine x
Dec 30 24
If the tests are coming up negative 21 days after the unprotected sex, you should be okay and able to trust that result. But I would HIGHLY recommend not having unprotected sex if you know you missed that many pills in a row next time if you don’t want to be pregnant. It sounds to me like breakthrough bleeding though.

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