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Jul 13
Does anyone here journal? I’ve just recently started and I’m noticing a huge change in my mood and confidence. It feels so good to have a routine and write in my journal when I feel like I need to express my emotions or just rant. I’m just curious if anyone else feels this way when they journal? It’s amazing and I feel like I’m better able to control my emotions. I get excited to journal. Just curious to see who else journals and how it’s helped them.
Jul 13
100% I'm the same, when I'm trying to process difficult emotions journaling really helps me organize my thoughts and get it all off my chest. It's very therapeutic and great for my mental health. Honestly I need to get back into doing it more
Jul 13
I do when I feel down. My therapist recommended me to do 15 minute journaling every day. Set a timer and write everything that comes to mind down. You have a limit of 15 minutes so if you reach that you will have to stop; as well as if you’re done earlier you will have to sit and wait until til the timer is over. It worked great!

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