Sometimes I feel like a horrible daughter/sister/person… let me explain
I was 16 when my mom decided to have her second child w my ex step father. He worked nights and my mom worked from 9-6. The first few months were an adjustment but it was fine…. until my mom got pregnant again (5 months after giving birth). I helped my mom a lot when during this time but u did have some kind of freedom because their father was (somewhat) present. I was a senior in hs and didn’t know what i wanted to do so i decided to go to community college. I had to take classes online or had to take early classes (8 ams) because i had to watch my sisters early while my mom was at work. Eventually my mom split with my siblings father and we moved out. so now it was just me my mom and my siblings (who are now toddlers). i have always watched them and pick them up from daycare 3 days a week and every other saturday morning. Despite all the time i spend with them sometimes they feel like they’re burdens. i am absolutely exhausted and i do the bare minimum to help my mom and even then i don’t want to do it anymore. i feel guilty because i feel like i should feel closer to my sisters but i really don’t. i work two jobs go to school and have to keep up with chores, schoolwork, and take care of my siblings. Should i be more grateful? Am i being over dramatic? My mom does a lot of not most of the work but I also do all the things i mentioned above and then some. Am i wrong for thinking about my sisters this way? Any advice would be great.
Thank you <3