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Feb 28
I started the pill a couple of months ago and since then my discharge has changed to be a lot thicker, whiter and more of it. Over the past few days it is appearing to be a bit yellow. I have no symptoms of a infection so wondered if it is normal to experience these changes on the pill? I did also skip my pill break for the first time this month so wondered if that could contribute to it? Thank you for any help/advice 😁 Brand: Microgynon 30
Feb 28
Increase is discharge is completely normal, but it being yellow is not. Best to get checked for infections.
Feb 28
It is not a bright yellow it is more of a pale yellow/off white kind of colour, with no smell or other signs of infection. It also seem to only really be there in the morning then after that it isn't really there?
Feb 28
@EG2006 that’s super normal

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