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Jul 7
How do you handle bad interactions with people at work? I’m my company, there is a “higher up” who has been in the industry for decades (she’s 81 and has not retired…) and she has a horrible attitude and treats some people horribly as if we are dumb. But she’s “untouchable” because she’s been in this industry so long and with the company for so long. She has made me cry after meetings and we usually never have good interactions, but I know others at the company have had the same experience. It is completely unmotivating, and unprofessional, and no one can say anything just because of her high status. I feel I always get great feedback and do well, but there are some people at my job that make me question if I want to stay there.
Jul 7
I would look for another job, no job is worth crying over.
Jul 7
Can you speak to HR about this? And is it possible to avoid working with her/limit interactions as much as possible?
Jul 14
@Xoxoaeb22 Hi there, definitely take this information to your manager. This reminds me of my late grandmother, she felt she was inferior to everyone else and that younger people were useless and annoying. In all honesty from a psychologists pov people that throw out a lot of poison are quite simply jealous. If it were me in your position I would stay in that job just to prove them right. They are expecting you to leave because they are getting a kick out of it making you feel worthless. It’s sad, very very sad, but this is a lonely old lady with nothing going on in her life other than the company. They need to get a hobby. I guess you could leave a few knitting or gardening magazines on her desk.
Jul 14
*sorry that should read prove them wrong. Tired today, running on 2 hours sleep.

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