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Jan 31
Hi, I’ve just gone to take my pill and it’s crushed up, into lots of little bits almost like a powder, not sure how I think I’ve crushed it in my bag or something accidentally. I’ve taken it as normal, I’ve just tipped it into my mouth so it doesn’t go anywhere but is this okay? Or should I take another? I’m worried it won’t be as effective? Thank you for any advice! Never had this happen before! 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⚠️💊💊💊💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 Brand: Rigevidon
Jan 31
A pill that’s physically damaged can’t be relied on. You need to take one that isn’t damaged.
Jan 31
So what do I do? Take another one? Or just wait 7 days until I’m fully protected?
Jan 31
Do you think I should take another one?
Jan 31
@Ofrangex_ Yes, take another one.
Jan 31
Definitely? Won’t I have side effects?
Jan 31
@Ofrangex_ A damaged pill is not reliable as you may have missed some pieces or something that you’re unaware of, meaning you didn’t get the whole dosage. It’s just not smart to take a broken pill. If you really want to wait the 7 days, go ahead, but I personally would just take another pill and treat the crushed one as missed. I’d personally rather potentially have side effects.
Jan 31
Ok so you think best thing is to just take another to be on the safe side? I just have a phobia of being sick but im sure it’ll be fine!
Jan 31
@Ofrangex_ Yes. I would take another to be safe.
Jan 31
@Ofrangex_ yes you have to take another one, which I’m assuming you did by now thanks to the help of @nicoanstic_ You may experience an increase in side effects but you might also not, most people don’t. Your protection is always a priority here xx

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