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Jun 26
This is difficult to describe, but I’m having an issue with fingering. There’s times my partner does it and it’s amazing, and other times it is painful. The foreplay, pressure and speed doesn’t change and I FEEL the same, like mentally, and i’m still physically turned on. There’s just certain days it hurts. Does anyone have any clue why this could be happening?
Jun 26
I have tried asking him to change the spot or pressure, but when it hurts, I can’t find a way for it to not. It doesn’t happen too often, but enough to confuse me.
Jun 26
He always trims them since he did scratch me once. It’s not really a sharp pain. I apologise, it’s hard to describe it.
Jun 26
I deleted a comment by accident im so sorry😭😭
Jun 26
no that was me i was gonna reword it dw haha
Jun 26
is it more like you’re more sensitive inside?
Jun 26
Some days you might need more foreplay than other days. Have you tried lube as well? Do you experience stress? Because that can have an impact too.
Jun 26
@onthepillxo It could be that. There are times sensitivity feels really good but maybe sometimes it goes too far? Not sure what to do about that though
Jun 26
@Yi_eune I’ll look into that. I feel as though moisture isn’t a problem but I’ll try it regardless. I do experience stress(don’t we all😭) but I always feel very relaxed and quite excited for intimacy. Thank you both for your help.
Jun 26
hmmm maybe u might need more foreplay the same happens to me lol some days his fingering feels great but sometimes if he does it for too long it starts to hurt so u should try more foreplay when that happens and see how it goes
Jun 26
@luvmymanr I’ll definitely take that into account. If if’s an issue of too much sensitivity, how exactly does one deal with that? Not entirely sure how you like, prevent sensitivity??
Jun 26
@cherryade not so sure either, personally i let him know when it starts hurting and we just start doing something else during SeXy TiMe 😭

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