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Jul 18
What would you do? Been seeing this guy for a while now. He’s funny we have good chats but I am getting a feeling that he is very damaged from past relationships. Now this wouldn’t usually bother me but I refuse to be with someone who is still hung up over past things OR treats people one way because of someone else etc etc. We was having a conversation before about what princess treatment is and he basically said to me that his idea and view of relationships is very bad as he’s been hurt in the past. Now I get it and I respect it as I was left for another girl after 4 years and I’m damaged as hell. But I healed from it completely. I took the time to heal and now I know I can’t put all men in one box but I just feel like he’s putting all women in the same box which is unfair. He will say stuff like “oh all women are the same” and send me stuff in social media and I’m really cautious to proceed in anything further with him because of these comments. I think I would be hurting myself if I’m to be in a relationship with him or move things forward. Am I just overthinking this? Am I being cruel? I don’t know, he just sounds a lot like me when I was still un healed from my ex lol
Jul 18
I mean you kind of answered your own question, if you’re asking yourself these questions already I don’t think you should continue things, it will probably come up. In future arguments because I bet the comments won’t stop
Jul 18
It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind and it’s for the best not to continue to pursue this guy.
Jul 18
You’re not overthinking at all, saying stuff like ‘all women are the same’ is incel behaviour and I’d take it as a red flag tbh. It’s not your responsibility to fix his issues from past relationships x
Jul 18
Major red flags. You’re not his therapist or his parent and it isn’t your job to fix him. Early on in the relationship is when people are putting their best foot forward trying to make a good impression. If he’s being this sexist and using such misogynistic red pill rhetoric this early on, it will only get worse down the line. He’s shown you who he is and how he thinks of women, believe him and believe that you deserve better.
Jul 18
I think that man should heal before getting into another relationship. It is not ur job to heal him and you will just end up dealing with a man that will be insecure and constantly accuse you of cheating.

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