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Nov 11 24
Day 4: I’m experiencing a lot of nausea and I feel weak :( it’s a strange feeling to explain, sometimes I feel like puking but it’s not too intense, will this get better as my body adjusts? I also came across a TikTok that said birth control can completely change your personality as you are putting more hormones into your body, which apparently changes the way your brain is naturally wired is this true ? Brand: Yasmin
Nov 11 24
Nausea is a common side effect of the pill. Try taking the pill with a meal or just before you go to bed. Yes it should settle down soon. I wouldn’t recommend taking any medical or health advice or information from TikTok seriously, mood swings can be a side effect of the pill but rewiring your brain and completely changing your personality!? That’s insane. No that’s not true, the pill isn’t some magical crazy drug, those are some ridiculous and dangerous claims. There’s no scientific evidence of any of that.
Nov 11 24
Came to say basically what @bluerose9 said. Don’t take medical advice from TikTok. It can cause mood changes and depression but it does not change who you are.
Nov 13 24
I used to use Yasmin and i had similar symptoms. the nausea passed in 2 weeks for me. I also suggest lemon and mint tea for this. as for the personality change, the pills won’t change your personality but MAY cause mood swings due to hormonal changes

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