had unprotected sex and i’m on the combined pill. just feeling a bit worried and i was was hoping for some uplifting facts to calm me down a bit
Dec 16 24 03:59
Being on the pill means you are protected! You had condomless sex, which is not the same. If your consistent with your pill you have a slim to no chance of getting pregnant. STD/STI is the only thing to be concerned about if you two did not discuss that
Dec 16 24 05:05
You’ll be fine! You are protected!
Dec 16 24 05:28
If you are taking ur pill correctly the combined pill stops ovulation and blocks sperm, if you think about it’s basically impossible to become pregnant. If you are very anxious about pregnancy I would recommend using condoms until you can trust ur pill.
Dec 16 24 15:05
If your taking it like your supposed to then your protected! I myself am on the same bc! Just make sure to take it every day at the same time!