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Jul 21
hi everyone T_T i have another UTI AGAIN. no matter what i do, i’m so prone to getting them. i pee after sex, i drink water, i pee regularly, i wipe front to back… but every other month i swear these horrid symptoms come back and ruin my entire week. i even take multivitamins for them (which i haven’t been taking regularly which is my fault). any advice? what can i do for this? google says i’ll need long term low dose of antibiotics…ughhhh….help :((
Jul 21
Is the person you are having sex with clean? That can also play a part in UTIs.
Jul 21
I also had the same problem and taking cranberry supplements helped me a lot. Try to avoid irritants such as scented soaps around genitalia
Jul 21
have you been to the doctor surrounding chronic utis?
Jul 21
Get your partner to change the soap they use
Jul 21
Speak your doctor about this and ask to see specialist about recurring UTIs and cystitis. Do you wear thongs? Do you ever have to spend a long time in damp, sweaty or tight clothes?
Jul 21
Does this happen when you’ve not had sex for a while?
Jul 21
@Angel420 i only have sex with my boyfriend and he gets tested yearly. he’s fine. so i know it can’t be him.
Jul 21
@xitty i think i’ll take my supplements regularly because i always forget/don’t prioritize taking them.
Jul 21
@onthepillxo no i haven’t.
Jul 21
@aurielle no and no :( i’ll definitely have to see my doctor
Jul 21
@Yi_eune no it happens after i’ve had sex. like a week or so after. i shower and pee everytime after sex, now it’s just getting annoying.
Jul 21
See a urologist asap. 3 or more UTI’s a year is considered chronic and needs to be seen by a urologist
Jul 21
@mikamiyu I don’t mean STD wise, I mean is he usually hygienic, in the past I would get a lot of STDs from guys being unhygienic and I agree with everyone else saying to go to the doctor.
Jul 21
@Angel420 he’s very hygienic in my opinion. and i’m not saying that cause he’s my bf but he’s actually super clean and hygienic. like overly hygienic. he’s a germaphobe. :p
Jul 22
@mikamiyu the soap he’s using to wash may be causing you issues. Ask him to change it.
Jul 22
@mikamiyu is he using any products to clean himself? If it consistently happens after you’ve had sex it sounds like he might be part of the cause.
Jul 22
Does it also happen if you use condoms?
Jul 22
@Yi_eune he does use scented soap so maybe that’s irritating me? he uses some korean scrubbing thingy to exfoliate but i don’t think he uses that on his genitals ofc. and we don’t use condoms for sex. i’m also thinking it might be the lube we’re using but ahh i dont know.
Jul 22
@mikamiyu it could be any one of those things. I’ve always asked my partners to wash with a mild unscented soap, like the dove sensitive skin soap. I recommend trying to use condoms for a period of time and seeing if that helps with not getting UTI’s. And again, see a doctor. I have interstitial cystitis that is a chronic pain condition that affects the bladder and it basically mimics the symptoms of a UTI without there actually being an infection.
Jul 23
thank you @maeve_ , i’ll try those things. and i appreciate everyone’s advice. for now i’ll do my antibiotic rounds which have honestly been okay. no nausea thank goodness. and i’ll show my bf this and maybe see if he can change his soap. thanks again!
Jul 23
I would still use condoms for the foreseeable future to see if it makes a difference. @mikamiyu
Jul 26
Do you use any fragrance or perfume down there? What type of soap are you using? Did you try cranberry juice?
Jul 26
Also what type of lubricants you guys use? Is it sterile or commercial ones
Jul 26
@Njnj i finished my antibiotics so i’m fine now. but i have been taking cranberry pills regularly and will continue to take them. i don’t ever use perfume down there and only wash myself with water. as for lubricants, we bought a water based one from a walmart. so i’m assuming it’s sterile. i’m still nervous to even try having sex again. i hate UTI’s so much.
Jul 27
There is conflicting research on cranberry in regards to UTI and whether actually helps or not. My doctor has always said to increase my vitamin C intake by using (1000mg) dissolvable tablets and drinking that daily. For me personally it has helped.

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