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Jul 7
Hello, does drinking half a liter of water before taking the pregnancy test makes it less accurate? Also I already went to the toilet first in the morning but I don’t wanna wait till tomorrow to take it is that okay? It is my first time taking the test and Im already terrified and overthinking so I wanna be 100% sure of the results. I would really appreciate any advice or tips.
Jul 7
If it’s a little early to be testing potentially. Tests are fully accurate 3 weeks after unprotected sex.
Jul 7
It has been four weeks since the unprotected test, I took the morning after pill but Im still anxious about it
Jul 7
Pregnancy tests are most accurate with morning urine after 21 days. If you’re this anxious it might be wise to just wait the few extra hours to get fill certainty.
Jul 7
Also be sure to read the test in the timeframe, not earlier and not later. Instructions can be found with the test.

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