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Jun 29
Hey guys, I think I have missed my pill for the first time since I started taking the pill and I’m a little worried, could anyone help me? I usually take the pill every 9PM, but on Wednesday I took it a little late at 4AM, and Thursday I missed it and took 2 pills on Friday 3AM which is also a little late. If I understood the pamphlet correctly my protection is 0% now right? If I were to have sex in the next 7days without protection should I take plan B as a precaution? Also is there any side effect for missing a pill? Sorry if I’m asking stupid questions I’m a really stressed right now😭 💊💤💤💤💤💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊‼️💊⏱ Brand: Yasmin
Jun 29
if you’re ever worried you’re unprotected use condoms as a precaution, don’t go condomless and use plan b, plan b is for emergencies only and not for something you can prevent easily like in that situation x
Jun 29
You’re either protected or unprotected. There is no %, have you read your pamphlet yet to see if you’re unprotected? I see you’re on a combined pill so chances are you never missed a pill because of its usage window. Please refer back to your pamphlet to find out. Yasmin has a 24 hour window, which means you’re protected as long as you take a pill every 48 hours. You have until 9pm THE NEXT day before it counts as missed. So it doesn’t sound like you missed any pills. In addition to that you can fully miss one pill anywhere in your pack and remain protected. Missing or taking your pills irregularly can cause side effects, but there is no way to know. Either way, if you think you’re unprotected you should either abstain from sex or use condoms. Plan B is not meant to be used as you’re intending to and it’s a lot less effective than just preventing the need for it in the first place. Plan B is not a magic fix, it is only 75-89% effective at preventing pregnancies, versus using proper protection being 99% or abstaining to obtain 100%. Be responsible. Plan B is for EMERGENCIES only, which this is not. It has a massive amount of hormones that will mess up your body for weeks if not months with side effects to come, it’s not a magic pill.

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