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Jan 23 23
Hi guys! Basically I’m right now two days late with starting my next birth control pack because of Chinese new year holiday (most of the local pharmacies are closed) so I haven’t had the chance to get a pack. I’ll probably get it tomorrow, but should I take 3 pills in one day? I’m unsure how it works I’m so silly for doing this so last minute😭 I haven’t had sex though so I’m fine
Jan 23 23
Assuming you're on the combined pill, if you extended your break week past 7 days, then you are not protected. You need to take 7+ consecutively until you are protected again. Taking 3 pills in one go will not do anything apart from increase the risk of side effects.
Jan 23 23
Jan 23 23
From personal experience I was told to only start pills on a Sunday so if I were you, I would wait till Sunday to start your new pack and please be very careful using extra protection if you were going to engage in sex before then you need to take your pills one a day every day for guaranteed protection
Jan 23 23
@blixy The day of the week doesn’t matter.
Jan 23 23
^the Sunday start thing is just to simplify things so people don't get confused and always start their packs on the same day. It doesn't matter what day you start. Sooner is better imo so you can be protected ASAP.

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