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Jul 18
I’ve noticed recently that my boobs have gotten bigger but not my nipples in particular I’m worried I’m pregnant but that’s really my only symptom. I get my withdraw period every month but I haven’t bled since may 26th and I had some brown discharge in June but no blood dropped and now it’s July still no like “period” or withdraw blood. Should I be worried? The only other symptom I could think of is I ate food yesterday and felt kinda sick after like j needed to throw up but then it went away and that was only once. I took a test 4 days ago and it was negative.
Jul 18
Breast growth and light to no withdrawal bleeding are both normal side effects of birth control
Jul 18
If you’re taking your pills correctly then you won’t be pregnant bleeding or lack there of on your break week is not a good indicator because birthcontrol thins the lining of the uterus so much sometimes over time there’s barely abything to shed
Jul 18
@Monkeybutt63 I usually never get my period on my break week though I always get it the week before my placebo so it’s just weird I haven’t gotten it at all for over a month
Jul 18
^ Your body won’t always react the same so it is normal

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