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Aug 16 19
Wow, I’ve just been told to “get back where you came from”?????? Baring in mind I’m white (apart from the Spanish from my nana, and I’m a little tanned right now). My heart actually breaks for POC who have experienced this before. Remember everyone is welcome everywhere!
Aug 17 19
I've had 3 male Trump supporters one time yell "Dumb brown sp!ck bitch Trump rules MAGA" while I was walking to the grocery store. In that same grocery store (higher end) I had other shoppers point and whipser at me. Not many poc can afford to shop seeing a poc to them is a novelty. I was followed by security at the age of 13 at a store because I looked "suspicious". I was let go and I remember hearing an elderly white woman say "you can't trust those Mexican ones she looked suspicious"...I was already embarrassed shopping for pads by myself. In 10th grade I was one of the few poc FFA members. I wanted to raise a pig but needed land. This white male FFA member whose grandpa had a farm offered to let my pig stay there. Him and his grandpa were super racist and at one point said "You know you are pretty for being Mexican I would definitely hog tie you though" I reported this comment to my FFA advisor and was ignored so I quit. I've had people ask me if I could afford a certain item and when I said yes they have said they were surprised people like me could. One time I was walking to PPH and had these lovely male Christian protestors tell me that "we know you people like having alot of kids so don't abort your child" I asked what they meant by "you people" and they said "Mexicans you love having too many kids I never met one that aborts"... I told them I was there to get a papsmear and to fuck off. Those are just a few things that happened to me. I am literally crying typing this and know that it won't be the last time someone says something like that towards me.
Aug 17 19
Damn I’m so sorry this has happened to you😫. I experienced racism through this app I used to use. Got called the N word a lot and it bothered me. But now when people say it I’m like ok that’s nice. Or I hate when people call me chocolate kinda annoying to be honest
Aug 17 19
I know this post was written with the best of intentions, but white people sharing experiences of “discrimination” comes off as implying that you now understand and empathize with the oppressions faced by people of color because this happened to you once. It makes the narrative about you, especially when you say things like “I’m a little tan now” based on the previous posts we’ve had discussing tanning. The difference is that this kind of threat towards someone like you has no weight behind it, unlike the 9 year old girl who was recently kidnapped and held in ICE custody for multiple days. I’m only saying this because I know you are dedicated to educating yourself about racism and being a better ally and want to do the best you can.
Aug 17 19
^ this. I'm sure your post was made with good intentions, but the manner in which it comes off can be improved.
Aug 18 19
Oh I’d never say I’d experience racism or oppression for the simple fact that I’ll never go through it. The post was to imply that I can’t believe people are still so stupid to this day to even say something along these lines. Apologies for the manner of the post, it was probably worded poorly

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