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Jan 6
I’m just so stuck right now. I’m with my boyfriend been with him for well iv known him since august and we’ve been together on and off since September. He gets into these moods and tries to distance himself which yk I do try to get him to talk to me like I always let him know I am here for him but he will go days without speaking to me which I understand. But then we get into arguments over silly things and he’s like I can’t do this no more. But this has been happening like quite a few times and I can tell when he’s being off. If he does it again I’m ready to call it quits permentaly but the issue is I get quite attatched like very. And the thought of losing him isn’t good.He’s older he should be mature but I guess that’s not the case. I have told him like if he decides to go again then I am completly done but I don’t want to lose him. I also don’t know if it’s just me like in a text does anyone read it and think the tone is off or like you get bad vibes even though the text is normal. Am I over thinking it or. Any advice please
Jan 7
Girl leave him you deserve someone way better I understand that he is important to you but he will just hurt you more these arguments will just turn so stressful and you should waist your lifetime on him and I understand the point with the tone in the text but that can be diffrent from to person in my case my boyfriend writes with no taste fr he always sounds mad at him but actually isn’t but in your case idk I don’t think he’s good for you and no you are absolutely not overthinking it don’t worry sometimes that sense in your stomach is better than what you brain thinks
Jan 7
If he keeps saying he’s done over silly little arguments then let him go don’t let him stress you out anymore also being in moods isn’t an excuse to not talk to you for days at a time. I know it’s hard but you will realize that you did whats best for you.
Jan 7
Sounds like the definition of a toxic on/off relationship!
Jan 7
I went through this exact thing living with my significant other. Girl, leave while it is early. Thats the one thing I regret not doing. Leaving early on. He is battling his own issues. You dont deserve any confusion or inconsistency when it comes to a relationship/love. A partner should be able to communicate with you. Especially while living together. Maybe he needs the opportunity to live on his own and be in his own space if he hasnt had it before. This is going to be stressful on YOUR mental, while he goes on abt his day(s). Sending love❤️
Jan 7
Don’t wait for a next time. This relationship is toxic. You’re questioning a simple text, that’s what toxic partners do. They make you insecure and small. On purpose. So you get stuck to them and you won’t leave. And it seems to be working.. You should get out of that situation right now. What might help is to seek out professional help which can help with the attachment issues.
Jan 7
Sounds exhausting, you will definitely be better off without this in your life
Jan 7
@pearls4ever it feels like half the time I’m the only one putting in effort like I will always make time for him and stuff but he can never seem to do the same and I’m getting so sick of it. But I am going to start putting myself first because who else will yk
Jan 9
PLEASE put yourself first. Always!!! @sbrooksxx
Jan 9
Im telling you as another woman. Dont stay in this relationship if it does not serve you. If you are the only one putting effort, it is going to drain you. Put yourself first @sbrooksxx

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