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Jun 25
hey guys! so i am on syeda birth control pills and sunday i missed one pill of my new pack because i didnt have my new pack yet. but yesterday i took my pill i misssed on sunday at around 4 and then i took my pill for monday at 8 which is the time i always take my pills. how long does it take for my birth control to work again??
Jun 25
What does your pamphlet tell you? Did you actually miss the pill or just took it late? Just being late doesn’t compromise protection. The combined pill has a 24 hour usage window. On the combined pill you’re also allowed to miss a pill and remain protected. Always refer back to your pamphlet first as it has this info 🙏🏻
Jun 25
@Yi_eune i did look at my pamphlet it didn’t rly say anything. i dont know how many hours is considered late but i took it about 20 hours after i was supposed to take it and then took my other pill for that day at 8 pm.
Jun 25
@peetie_ you can be up to 24 hours late like I said in my previous reply. So you took it on time by taking it 20 hours after you were supposed to with 4 hours to spare. Your pamphlet will have a section on missed pills, it has instructions there x
Jun 25
@Yi_eune okay so my birth control still is effective since i took it only 20 hours later?
Jun 25
@peetie_ yes that is what I’ve told you multiple times now. Missing one wouldn’t leave you unprotected either. Please take the time to read up on how the combined pills work using credible sources such as the NHS.
Jun 25
@Yi_eune ok, sorry i am just making sure
Jun 25
@peetie_ no need to apologise, it’s just really important to be fully educated if you want to use it as effective as possible

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