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Jul 9
Hi everyone! I just started birth control on the 30th. My boyfriend is coming into town on the days that I will be on my placebo pills for the first time, which after researching I found out is when your period is supposed to take place. Is it okay for me to skip these placebo pills and induce my period next month instead? I don’t really want to have period sex (not that there’s anything wrong with it, I just don’t personally prefer it). My period was already irregular from PCOS so I am used to going several months without it, I just want to know advice on what I can do to avoid being on my period when he visits! Thank you!!!! 💤‼️⚠️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️⚠️⚠️⏱
Jul 9
You can definitely try skipping them to delay bleeding! But there’s no guarantee it’ll work.

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