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Jul 18
Genuinely speaking. If say me, if I take my pill every day at 9pm, have my break and get back on, all while using a condom and never having cum inside of me, how likely is it that I can get pregnant. I hate googling these things because google will say oh well you can but if I take DOUBLE precautions then shouldn’t it be impossible to get pregnant? I’m kinda overthinking my whole sex life right now and Google isn’t doing the justice rn lol
Jul 18
if you’re taking your pill correctly, you wouldn’t get pregnant. if you are taking your pill correctly AND using condoms, it’s pretty much impossible. birth control alone is 99% effective, with 1% being if you had a rare problem with your gene causing it not to work which is VERY VERY RARE. condoms on top of this makes it virtually impossible.
Jul 18
@onthepillxo that makes me feel so much better haha. I always tend to really overthink this and my anxiety causes my body to react aswell so that really tops it off
Jul 18
Literally impossible

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