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Dec 20 24
So I had my bleed from my break but it seems to still be super light like a slight colour to my discharge some times, I’ve had it before when I’m really stressed but I don’t feel like I have been that stressed would you say this is normal? This is 3 days after my bleed. thanks in advance
Dec 20 24
this is fine! just because you ended your break doesn't mean the bleeding is 100% done! how long was your break week?
Dec 20 24
Thank you so much for replying, I’m on the evra patch so I place my patch on day 4 which is when I start to bleed I bleed for 6 days and now having slight colour when wipe
Dec 20 24
@Evrauser124 it should def be fine!♥︎
Dec 20 24
Thank you so much🤍

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