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Jan 20 23
So I’ve recently found out that missing my bf, feeling like we’re drifting apart, or being miserable because his attention is not on me turns me on??? Idk how to explain it but whenever I feel like we’re not connecting as much I just feel so much more attracted to him. It’s so freaking weird and I hate it 😭
Jan 20 23
It’s the “chase”. It’s human nature to want something that you can’t have, even though you technically still “have” him, you might not feel that you mentally or even physically have him sometimes.
Jan 20 23
Hmm I think it’s good that you’re recognising what you’re doing and what you’re feeling. But idk I think that’s maybe something that could end up damaging your relationship if you let it fester. Personally I think that’s something that would be a good idea to address in therapy to find the root cause.

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