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Jul 21
HELP PLEASE 🙏 I had unprotected sex on Thursday 7/18. I thought I have been taking ALL of my birth control pills everyday. But today (7/21) I noticed that I never took my pill on Friday (7/19). Didn’t notice I didn’t take it. I thought I did but in fact I was taking my pill meant for the next day. The pill I missed taking on Friday is an active pill. I have already started taking my break week pills. Am I still protected? Should I take the active pill that I missed? What do I do?
Jul 21
Also just a side note. My pill schedule is off. Have been for a while now but I still take them everyday. My pills are a day ahead. For example: on Thursday I take my Friday pill. And so on. I have been protected. Brand: Hailey Fe
Jul 21
On a combined pill you can miss one and still be protected
Jul 21
What does your pamphlet say about missing a singular pill?
Jul 26
@Yi_eune it said to take it asap within 24 hours. But because I noticed the missing pill more than 48 hours later am I still protected? And am I still protected even tho I took my break week pills before noticing the missing active pill?
Jul 26
@Mk_09 did your pamphlet mention needing a backup method? Because if it doesn’t then you don’t have to.
Jul 26
@Yi_eune it says I do not need a backup method. However, does that still apply if I took the missing pill more than 24 hours later? It simply says to take it as soon as I remember, I took the missing pills more than 48 hours later.
Jul 26
@Mk_09 it would specify if you need a back up method. It means you can miss a pill without it affecting your protection like @aurielle mentioned.

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