So I take my pill regularly, I missed the Sunday pill in my last week of active pills. I had sex with my boyfriend with a condom. But he ejaculated and kept going. Should I be worried about getting pregnant?
Brand: Tri-Estarylla
Feb 2 03:09
You can miss a pill anywhere in the pack on most combined pill brands and remain protected. Including pills in the first and last weeks of the pack
Feb 2 03:31
Feb 2 04:08
if you had sex with a condom the whole time and it was intact and on properly etc, as well as what @bluerose9 said, you’re fine :)
Feb 2 04:29
Even if I still to this day never took the pill? @bluerose9
Feb 2 04:45
@eizzila yes. And even then you used a condom, you would have been protected anyway even if you weren’t on the pill at all.