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Jul 22
Hi all! Any help, advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated. I am currently continuously taking Rigevidon/the combined pill (skipping break weeks). I would say 95% of the time I am a perfect pill user, with lateness being max about 1-3 hours. On 4th July 6pm, I finished my pack of pills I was currently taking. I wasn’t home and so was unable to take my next pill/start a new pack on the 5th 6pm, so took that pill at 5pm on 6th and my next pill at 6pm on the 6th (doubled up). I have read that this doesn’t count as a missed pill as it was around 22-23 hours past the time I was supposed to take it (I understand 24 hours counts as a missed pill, however I have read the Rigevidon pamphlet specifically which states that past 12 hours is considered a missed pill so I’m a little confused as to the differing information available about the combined pill). Prior to this happening, I had taken all of the pills on time for weeks. I had sex with my partner on the 6th and on the 7th. On 18th July I had some light pink spotting on the toilet paper in the morning when I wiped, and then subsequently had one patch of dark brown discharge on my knickers in the middle of the day. No more that day. I took a pregnancy test which came back negative though I realise this could be too early to detect hcg. On 19th July again I had dark brown discharge, only once in the day again. When I had sex with my partner on 19th, I went to the toilet after sex and found a relatively small amount of bright red blood/potentially with clots when I wiped (mixed with other bodily fluids of course), however sometimes I have a sensitive cervix in certain positions where bleeding can happen and we did this position this time. On the evening I felt quite bloated, and again felt bloated the evening of 21st. I feel like I am sensing twinges in my lower abdomen but also don’t know if I’m picking up on things I wouldn’t usually be aware of because of this event. I am worried that I’ve experienced implantation bleeding and other early pregnancy symptoms. I am also worried I am hypersensitive and am convincing myself of certain things. Could this be a hormonal reaction to the late pill I took 2 weeks ago (not pregnancy related), or would that be too late for repercussions to occur? This is the first time I have taken a pill so late in the 7 years I’ve been using birth control so I’m definitely overthinking and worried lol. Thanks for reading!!
Jul 22
It’s 24 hours so you never missed the pill. I would like to inform you that as long as you take your pill in your usage window you are a perfect user. There is no percentage. You’re also allowed to fully miss a pill and remain protected. As well as you not taking a break in ages so one missed pill would just count as a one day break week. None of this would affect your protection negatively. Breakthrough bleeding is just a possible side effect of birth control, it doesn’t mean anything. Taking a pill later than usual can come with side effects such as the bleeding. But the bleeding can also just happen on its own, you can experience any side effect no matter how long you’ve been on birth control for. Implantation bleeding is also incredibly rare. And you said you used your pills correctly so you can’t be pregnant in the first place.
Jul 22
@yi_eune Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I didn’t realise that you’re considered a perfect user as long as you take it within the 24 hour usage window, not specifically the hour-long window that this app specifies with the green highlight. I also didn’t even think that as I’m continuously taking the pill, that this could just count as a one day break week. That has calmed my brain a great deal as it makes perfect sense! I feel a lot more at ease now. Thanks for all your great work helping people on this app.
Jul 22
@abs11 you’re welcome. Don’t rely on informatie provided directly by this app, as it’s outdated and not been updated for years. There are no updates as the developers have abandoned it years ago.
Jul 22

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