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Jul 15
TW: transphobia/homorphobia What do you think about hanging out with a friend group but not including someone because they have changed as a person? I have a group of old coworkers I see every now and then. We always hang as a group, but recently I saw online that 1 of them has been posting transphobic stuff online. I don’t agree with that at all and I know the others in the group don’t either and one of them is queer so it affects her community. I want to hang with the group again, but not with the one who is transphobic now. Is it weird to not include her since she’s always been in the group?
Jul 15
I definitely wouldn't want to hang out with someone who's transphobic and I think that's a perfectly valid reason to exclude her. If she asks why she's no longer invited you can tell her it's because of her transphobic beliefs. People aren't exempt from consequences for the things they say.
Jul 16
@aurielle thanks for your input. That’s a good explanation if she ever asks.

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