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Jul 17
Hi, so i’ll be starting my sugar pills tmr but i have been on my period since the first day of taking the pill (which was the first day of my period) so im a little worried how long my period is going to be. Another question is whenever i have unprotected sex with my bf i tend to bleed more on days where i don’t have sex, the blood is rather pink reddish instead of brown which is what my period looks like currently on days without sex. Last question is im a little paranoid if the pills really work bcs my partner has came in me 2 times already and im just a little worried since this is my first time taking birth control pills. 💤‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 Brand: Alesse 28
Jul 18
The pill can cause irregular bleeding and spotting. As long as you are taking ur pill correctly you dint need to worry.
Jul 18
Breakthrough bleeding/irregular bleeding is a common side effect of birthcontrol especially when first starting out. Your body can take 3-6 months to adjust
Jul 18
You’ve already asked this: {A8IYxENbp}
Jul 18
As for the sex, if you don’t trust your birth control you should be using condoms.

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