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Dec 1 24
TW:Weight Was wondering if anyone knows how much weight change in a small amount of time is normal or something to be concerned about? I weigh myself semi-often just because I like to know, I’m not on any kind of journey, but notice that my weight sometimes changes as much as 3.5 kilos a month, this is up and down? Obviously this is not a large amount, just wondering if anyone knows how much of that is actual gain/loss of fat/muscle whatever, or water weight? Like is there a number and above that is not normal fluctuation? Just generally curious. I don’t really mind the answer I’m a very healthy weight I’m happy with at the moment, so kinda want to know what actually counts if my weight goes up lol x
Dec 1 24
Sounds normal. Weight fluctuates all the time and 3,5kg is close to nothing. You’ll also gain weight by getting older. There’s no way to know what the weight is exactly unless you get a full scan going every time (which is a bit excessive). If you’re happy in your own skin then it really doesn’t matter.
Dec 1 24
That sounds normal, it's possible for weight to fluctuate as much as a few pounds in a single day due to water weight, bloating, hormones etc so I think that much over a month is normal

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