Does anyone have any tips to help prevent cold sores from popping up? I take daily valacyclovir as a preventative measure and in the past 2 months I’ve had about 5-6 of them. It’s exhausting!
Oct 30 24 14:45
Are you stressed? Are there certain foods that trigger outbreaks for you?
Oct 30 24 14:59
Oh no. That sounds unfortunate. I would suggest talking to your dr. Maybe switching to acyclovir or another daily suppressant. We can actually become immune if we taken them all the time. Which happened to me to. The only other thing I can suggest is SADBE. It’s a new medication. And since I’ve been taking it my outbreaks have lessened significantly. It’s applied every 3 months on your arm. The pharmacy I use is keystone pharmacy in Michigan haha. It’s not sold everywhere unfortunately. It’s been a lifesaver. Also I’ve heard honey might helps soothe the sores too
Oct 30 24 16:04
I have definitely been stressed. I was sick with a cold for 3 weeks and my immune system has just been beneath the floor! It’s also gotten colder in my area all of a sudden so that’s probably a contributing factor as well. @stinaaa that’s a good idea I think I’ll make an appointment with my doctor!
Oct 30 24 17:32
I suffer from them too and unfortunately nothing usually helps! I find when I’m stressed or run down I get them more often. Sometimes I’m convinced if there is a dramatic change in weather I get them too! Usually I use cold sore cream, it doesn’t get rid of them but I find they clear quicker.
Oct 31 24 17:43
@AM1234 I’ve definitely noticed when it gets colder out I have more outbreaks! I also use Zovirax which definitely helps clear them up quicker, but still a pain as they’re usually there for 3 days-a week
Nov 2 24 15:43
If you’re sick, that’s probably what’s making them worse. Anytime my immune system takes a hit, I get one. I also randomly found out that if I use a lip balm with spf in it before going outside, I don’t get them as much. The sun triggers them for me. I have not had one since I started doing that.