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Jun 24
hey everyone. i had sex sunday morning at about 2:30am and he finished in me. today is monday evening and i was wondering if i took a plan b if it would still be effective?
Jun 24
Are you on birth control?
Jun 24
Why do you want to take plan B?
Jun 24
i am but i haven’t been the best pill user
Jun 24
from what i’ve read on the internet i may not be protected
Jun 24
What do you mean by haven’t been the best pill user? Did you miss any? If you have reason to believe you were unprotected you should take plan B, but know its effectiveness decreases the longer you wait to take it. For next time, use condoms when you’ve been inconsistent with your pill or aren’t sure whether you are covered. It would also be an idea to get on a different type of birth control so you don’t have to remind yourself daily.
Jun 24
@Yi_eune two days last week, not sure if it was in a row or not as i can not remember, but i usually take my pill at 10pm, but forgot and took it way after the morning at noonish. this happened twice. this week ive been taking my pill but inconsistently
Jun 24
What about your pill blister pack? Are you on track or do you have more pills than you should have (meaning you missed pills)? Taking the pill later than usual is fine, as long as it is still within your pill's usage window. If you're on the combined pill, it's fine to miss 1 pill anywhere in your pack without losing protection.
Jun 24
@xNymphadora i am on seasonale so i wont have my next period till september. i had my last period last week of may following into june. last week i was on vacation and got throw off. two days i forgot to take it at my usually time (10pm) and took it when i woke up in the morning at noon. i was also on a three hour time difference
Jun 24
so it was about 17 hours after 10pm
Jun 24
Combined pills have a window of 24hrs from the time you were supposed to take it, so 17h isn't late nor considered a missed pill.
Jun 24
@xNymphadora okay thank you. so i should be protected? or is there any chance i should take a plan B even tho its gonna be a little passed 48 hours
Jun 25
You took your pills within the allowed timeframe so you never missed them. This means you were protected.
Jun 25
Because of what you said it made me remember your other post, about the same thing. Double posting is against forum rules so please refrain from doing so. Here is a link to your old post where you already have been assured you never missed the pills, which you responded to. {vNVv2uNMY}

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