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Mar 15 23
So I’m on the mini pill (desogestrel) and I kinda don’t want to be on it for a while. Can I just stop using it and my body will slowly adjust to going back to normal? And if I want to go back on it in a few months, do I just start taking them normally again?
Mar 15 23
Not really, it’s not a good idea to go on and off BC or only plan to use it short term as your body has to go through adjustment periods of around 3 months. Is there a reason you want to come off it?
Mar 15 23
^ and additionally, it can take up to a year for your hormones/cycles to regulate after going off the pill. Going off and on the pill in a short amount of time can increase the chance of developing blood clots. That's why it's recommended to stay off it for at least a year if you stop using it.
Mar 15 23
@xnymphadora I think it’s only with combined contraceptives the blood clot risk is there x
Mar 15 23
@aWG1 Sorry, my bad! Forgot about it being a mini pill.
Mar 15 23
@Awg1 I started the pill end of December time last year and since then my relationship has ended and I’m not planning on sleeping with anyone, anytime soon. It feels weird putting unnecessary hormones (or whatever It is) in my body when I’m not having sex. I’m sure I’m overthinking but I’m worried I’ll become infertile or have problems in the future when I’m planning a family
Mar 15 23
Birth control does not have a negative effect on fertility there is no scientific evidence to support this. In fact if anything it has a positive effect on fertility as it reduces your risk of endometrial and cervical cancers. Also lots of people say they aren't planning to have sex but unexpectedly meet someone or have an unplanned hookup so just keep that in mind!
Mar 15 23
@Whitelotus12 birth control is not linked to infertility, though. If you want to stop birth control that’s fine but you should stay off for a prolonged period of time so if you suddenly get into a relationship in a month or two you’d probably want to get back on again.
Mar 15 23
@aurielle okay great thank you so much, I’ll stay on it then
Mar 15 23
@Yi_eune thank you sm for the info!

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