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Dec 2 24
For those of you that are in northern climates and currently experiencing winter, what temperature do you have your thermostat/heat set to? Just curious. Mine currently says 19C/67F and I feel like I'm freezing lol I'm turning it up to 69 but obviously I also want to save energy.
Dec 2 24
I normally keep it at 23°C in Toronto!
Dec 2 24
I’m usually at 18C but when it’s really cold outside I will be wearing a sweater while indoors. It’s way too expensive to have it on any warmer 😭
Dec 2 24
I’m a student so we just put our heating on whenever we feel cold for an hour or 2, usually at night. we don’t have a thermostat! It’s been about 8/10c outside and we haven’t had it on in the last few days x
Dec 2 24
I live in New England and heat is expensive where I live. We keep it at minimal to avoid costs, but I wish it was higher. We keep it at 65.
Dec 2 24
Northeast US I have mine set to 68F definitely need a sweater and socks on inside though 🥶
Dec 11 24
23/24 C i live downtown Toronto I find anything higher than 25 is too warm especially living in a condo.

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