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Feb 17
I had the kylena coil fitted in December; a switch up from 4 years on the depot injection. Has anyone else got this coil? Do you experience any periods? Or changes since it’s got very little hormones? How long does it take for your body to fully adjust. I have had nothing as of yet, I’m just wondering if I have anything to look out for in the upcoming months or if it’s going to stay this way :)
Feb 17
Side effects can switch up at any moment, not bleeding is pretty common on the coil. The adjustment period is 3-6 months. The general info can be found in the pamphlet.
Feb 17
^ it’s very common to experience little to no bleeding at all or for months/years at a time on this contraception method.
Feb 18
Personally I bled for like 5-6 months straight on it, heavy bleeding (normal period for me) and then I stopped bleeding altogether but everyone’s different and you could experience different side effects

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