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Feb 20
Hi all! On here wanting to talk about IUD insertion. I’ve been on my nuvaring for like 10 flipping years. And it’s been the best thing for me and my body. If I could stay on it for the rest of my life I would. But with everything going on rn, I’m terrified. And I’m thinking that an IUD would be the best next move for me to secure my bc for the next few years. But I’m shitting bricks at the thought of getting it inserted. I called around all morning trying to find a clinic that gives lidocaine or some type of anesthesia to help with the pain. And I found one that gives something called hurricane? Has anyone even heard of that? I couldn’t find anything online about it! Just for your mouth? Idk. And that it’s just a spray not even something that gets injected and lasts for 12-15 mins. Idk I don’t think it’s enough. They scheduled me for April. But I’m thinking what if that’s too far out. I am gonna give them another call. I don’t wanna be anxiety filled about this for the next two months. And I don’t think I’d go through with it without any pain medication. Less painful than having a baby though, right? 😭😭😭 But any advice or experiences appreciated. Also haven’t decided on what iud. Suggestions welcome. Will probably go for one that’s long term. And as close in hormones to the nuvaring in as possible. Thanks x
Feb 20
Honestly, try not to stress about it too much, I know it’s really scary but the more you stress the more you’ll think it’ll hurt which will make your body tense up making it hurt more. Take Advil before hand like 800mg 2x extra strength tablets and eat a light meal like an hour beforehand when I got mine put in they told me to wiggle my toes if I felt a good bit of pain and it did help take my mind off of it, I’m sure they’d also let you bring someone for support too
Feb 20
I’ll be honest that IUD insertion (had 2) was awful for me and the ibuprofen before and lidocaine does not help with the act of putting it into the uterus. It is a very rough day for me getting it inserted. My sister got nexplanon and felt nothing during insertion and had no complications! Maybe you could look into that for 3 yrs birth control! My IUD also caused me severe cramps that I would double over in pain for. I had for total of 6 yrs and wouldn’t do it again. But it’s different for everyone and a lot of people will comment on here that it was totally fine for them so it might be fine for you too

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