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Jan 28
Any tips for bloating immediately after eating?? Soo uncomfortable
Jan 28
Is there a common theme to what you’re eating? You might be having a reaction. Avoid dairy products is a start.
Jan 29
Not particularly, i just feel so full after eating pretty often, i don’t eat loads of dairy so not sure, just curious because my bloating seems to be pretty much in my stomach, like a sickness/full feeling rather than intestinal and gassy, its so uncomfy
Jan 29
@hellok1tty maybe spread your meals more, if you feel full all the time you shouldn’t feel the need to eat often. It if keeps happening after you’ve had food then there has to be some common cause, where I would think about an intolerance or (light) allergy.
Jan 29
Green tea and ginger tea help me. Green tea is known to help aid digestion. I know it’s kind of hard to drink when you’re already feeling bloated, but I just drink slowly in small sips.

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