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Jan 5
Hi, I got my first "period" on the pill yesterday. I got on the pill because of terrible period cramps. I've been taking the pill for almost a month (I started taking it the first day of my last period). I got the period at 4 pm yesterday, and since I have been experiencing pressure in my abdomen. In the evening I started getting more and more progressive cramps. I went to sleep at 1 am and had unbereable night sweats from all the pain from cramping and the pain was so strong it went all up my back and down my legs, like it did before the pill. I had to take strong painkillers again. The only thing that changed is that before the pill I would experience period cramps for a few days before I got it, and extreme pain for a few hours before I got it and the first few days of my period, but now it's like this, and the pain now is also unbearable but I'd say a bit less than before. Is this the best it gets with the cramps or will it get better the next period? Also should I ask my gyno for another brand with a stronger dosage or something?
Jan 5
Can’t say at all. It’s completely different for everyone I’m afraid. As your still quite new to the pill your next period could very well be nicer, but to be honest, with those cramps and stuff I’d start skipping periods all together xx
Jan 5
Try skipping your break weeks, if you use insurance make sure that they will cover the additional packs you’ll need.
Jan 5
@Yi_eune What's insurance and how do I get it? My mom buys my packs for me. I'm 16 so I don't really know these stuff
Jan 5
@hellok1tty Thank you for the advice! I mentioned skipping to my gyno before, but she said it's bad for you and not recommended. I saw some women who are on the pill have their periods every three months, do you think that would be healthier? Also if I decided to have a period every three months should I let my doctor know or should I just start by myself?
Jan 5
@bookgirlie health insurance is a health plan that will pay for some or all of the cost. You’re best off talking to your mom about this and skipping your break weeks. There is no “healthier” on birth control, as doing either is completely fine. There is no real need to bleed as it’s a fake bleed. It’s not an actual period. On a technicality the less breaks you take the less chances at pregnancy you’ll have.

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