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Feb 16
Hi girls. Last week u had sex with a new parter. He was bigger than what im used to and it was hurting when we were having sex. Now i feel like i have red marks at the entrance of my vagina and little bumps it burns when i pee. Is this friction? Should i be worried? I havent seen any other changes besides the bumps,redness and burning. Is there a remedy? Is it something i should go to the doctors for? I am worried since it is a new partner
Feb 16
Could be a sti sounds like herpes
Feb 16
Did you guys both get tested for STIs before having sex? Did you use a condom?
Feb 16
Should probably go to a doctor to be safe! Sounds like it could be an infection so probably best to check it out sooner rather than later
Feb 16
I’d recommend going to the dr to get tested and looked at.
Feb 16
Definitely see a doctor. Did you get tested beforehand?
Feb 16
Honestly, it could be friction but it could also be like friction and a uti or something more serious either way you should get it checked out like the others have said

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