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Jul 7
Does any one have any recommendations on how I get over being jealous of my boyfriend’s exes? I’m jealous they were there first and he wanted a life with them and that he loved them. I just can’t stop feeling inferior and insecure. My last relationship and situations with guys after were terrible and traumatic and it’s hard for me to trust or feel beautiful or attractive. My current boyfriend does nothing but make me feel loved and like I’m the most important thing to him and constantly says it to me. He literally got drunk last night and couldn’t stop saying how he just wants to marry me already and he loves me more than anything and just a bunch of really sweet stuff and giving me a ton of kisses. I know my thought are irrational and stupid but I just don’t know how to stop them. Any recommendations or help? I know there is a name for what I have but I can’t think of the name.
Jul 7
Therapy. Work on self love and confidence, reframing thoughts and feelings and understanding where they are coming from.
Jul 7
retroactive jealousy is what you may be thinking about?
Jul 7
@onthepillxo I think that’s what it is, thank you.
Jul 7
@bluerose9 and I’ve been thinking about getting back into therapy, I went for past trauma and I think that trauma is still haunting me and holding me back. Thank you for the advice!
Jul 7
One thing you can do is think about the reverse situation. How do you feel about your exes? Obviously you loved them at some point, but you don't anymore. You care about your boyfriend now, not them. Your boyfriend has no reason to feel jealous of them. Well that's how your boyfriend likely also feels about his exes. Also, if his past relationships were so great, he'd still be in them. But he's with you now. He chose to be with you instead of them.

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