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Jun 26
okay i need some girly help. i’ve been getting utis A LOT. i was getting them for 2 weeks straight so i went to the doctors and they gave me medication it went away but came back like 2 days after i stopped. i take cranberry pills everyday. i pee before and after sex i also wipe with hot water down there after. i take showers everyday and change my underwear 2-3 times a day. i’ve given up on going to the doctors everytime it happens because it happens so often. please please if anyone has had the same thing HELP it hurts so bad where im constantly missing school or can’t do anything. i feel like it’s something more serious.
Jun 26
this has been happening for at least 5 months now
Jun 26
speak to your doctor and research about chronic UTI’s, i hope they’re able to help you more :( x
Jun 26
did you take your full round of antibiotics actually
Jun 26
@onthepillxo yes. n thank you
Jun 26
i thought it might have been from sex but we stopped for abt 2 weeks n it was still happening. my best friend also thought it was maybe from condoms so we stopped using them for a bit and it still happened
Jun 26
If it came back 2 days after you finished the medication then the treatment clearly did not work. Go back to the doctor, explain the situation and ask for different/stronger antibiotics. Refrain from sex until you have experienced no symptoms for multiple days after finishing antibiotics to be 100% sure it’s gone. If you’re still getting nowhere ask to be referred to a urologist.
Jun 26
It’s really important to remember to drink LOTS of water and avoid holding your pee in as much as possible, even if you literally are peeing every 5 minutes.
Jun 26
@bluerose9 okayy thank you so much
Jun 26
Ask for a referral to a urologist. Other things you can try: avoid thongs and tight clothing, make sure you're wiping correctly away from your vulva, and stay hydrated
Jun 27
Do you use lube? I was getting chronic UTIs and Yeast Infections and I found out I’m sensitive to Glycerin found in lube. I use the brand Slippery Stuff now and it cleared up. Follow above advice too, pee immediately after sex. Wear cotton underwear or no underwear if your wearing skirts or dresses
Jun 27
@flyaway4me yes i do but we just started using it not too long ago. i was getting frequent utis before that ! tyy

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