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Oct 14
Hi girls , I need advice 😭 last week I found a condom box with no condoms left in my bfs bedside draw … but we don’t use them as I’m on the pill. I confronted him and he told me they was his friends ? I left upset but he hasn’t reached out to me in a week now but I don’t know what to do now
Oct 14
I should also add he lives alone so I don’t know if I should believe they was his friends or not
Oct 14
Your boyfriend hasn’t spoken to you in a week ? Is he okay? Do you normally go that long without any communication ? I mean unless his friend was having sex in his apartment there’s no reason why would be there.
Oct 14
^ that seems like a really long time for no communication in a relationship. It doesn’t make sense why there would be a box of his friend’s condoms by his bedside table? Have you reached out to him at all in the last week?
Oct 14
He tried to say his friends use them when they come over which made no sense to me personally
Oct 14
I haven’t tried to reach out to him as I felt he should have
Oct 14
He first told me “all boys have them in their draw “ I said but you just moved into this flat so it makes no sense … he then said they was his friends who was over at the time but that friend didn’t say anything and couldn’t even look at me … and he then said his boys use them when they come over
Oct 14
So I’m just so confused
Oct 14
His boys use them doing what exactly? I mean always a good idea to have some on hand in case you miss a pill or illness affects your pill etc etc. but his reason is questionable at best.
Oct 14
But they were all gone , it was just the box left 😭
Oct 14
I think there could be a totally reasonable explanation for it (for example I keep condoms around as a backup in case I miss my pill or can't refill my prescription) but it being his friend's is not it lol.
Oct 14
Wait he said that while his friend was there in the room with you? That the condoms were that friend’s? Omg so awkward 💀
Oct 14
Yep he tried to say they was his but that friend didn’t say anything , then he tried to say it’s his other friends when they come over …
Oct 14
The condoms were alllll gone though so to me it don’t look good
Oct 14
Yeah he really could have come up with a better excuse than that 💀 that’s so bad
Oct 14
It sounds to me like he is lying to you, especially when his friend didn’t say anything
Oct 14
This entire story smells of lies.
Oct 14
His reaction, the bad excuse & the fact he moved recently makes me think he’s guilty
Oct 14
His excuse does not make sense.. hes definitely lying…
Oct 14
that is super shady.. their friends have sex at his place?? he is definitely lying about something and it doesnt sound good. especially if the box was empty and him saying they are his friends
Oct 15
He’s lying to you for sure
Oct 15
Sorry, I really believe he was lying, his reasoning makes no sense. And the fact that he hasn’t talked to you in a week.. I just don’t think it’s good
Oct 15
the story about the condoms is one thing - but not reaching out for a week? 👀 i would be so upset
Oct 15
He’s lying. There are totally valid reasons to have them but in his BEDROOM them being his friends makes zero sense. Add in that his friend couldn’t even make eye contact with you after and that he’s gone radio silent? He’s lying.
Oct 16
Also coming back because this reminded me of a similar story I have - my mom found a condom box in her husband’s things (my stepfather at the time; they are no longer together which this story helps explain why lol) and when she asked why he had them since they were married and don’t use condoms, he claimed that he was keeping them for me or my brother if we had a bf/gf…. Worst lie ever… so yeah, I just wouldn’t believe it.

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