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Jan 5
Need some thoughts or advice on this.. Last night I’m pretty sure I heard my boyfriend say his ex’s name in his sleep, and obviously that upset me and it threw off the rest of night and next morning, it was our last day before he goes back to school so I tried to act normal but I’m sure he could tell something was off because of how he was acting. Anyways I don’t want to make him feel bad for it and I don’t even know if I should bring it up, he was sleeping and it’s not a choice he consciously made, and I also am not even 100% sure that’s what he said. Just kind of want to know how this would make you guys feel and what you would do to feel less uncomfortable about it?
Jan 5
Would definitely make me uncomfortable too! But would have to try and remember he has no control of his dreams, you also don’t even know if it was a positive or negative dream? Maybe try and remember times you’ve had dreams which featured an ex, or times where your dreams have made you feel horrible, might help you understand how he can’t control them. Maybe ask him about it if you can without being confrontational, he may not even remember. Xx
Jan 5
I recently had a dream about an ex I haven’t spoken to in over 10 years. It really doesn’t mean anything.
Jan 5
I don't think that would bother me but if it did upset you you can bring it up and explain how you felt without accusing him of doing anything wrong or making him feel bad. In general I think our partners deserve to know why we're upset at them lol even if it isn't something they did. He can probably reassure you that it doesn't mean anything and that his ex isn't important to him anymore.
Jan 5
Thank you guys! :) I apologized to him that we had an off morning on our last day together before he left for school and explained why I was upset, he said that he can assure me that he didn’t have a dream about her but understands why that put me off

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