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Jul 9
i have just gone back on the pill after a 3 month break, i came off the pill because i was starting to get depressed and the GP advised me to come off to see how i felt. i have been back on the pill for a week now and still feel the same. does anyone get this?
Jul 9
Have you seen a therapist for it? While the pill doesn't directly cause depression, it can emphasise those feelings and you may experience changes in your mood. It would be wise to see a therapist who can help guide you through it. Keep in mind that you're going to go through a new adjustment phase (3-6 months) now that you've restarted taking the pill. Unfortunately sometimes you may need to try different pills until you find the right dosage that works for you.
Jul 10
@xNymphadora thankyou so much, my doctor has also suggested therapy so i might give it a go

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