About 12 days ago, I had norovirus and threw up at least one of my pills but I marked two as missing because (TMI) the day before that is when the sickness started and I had more than 6 cups of liquid diarrhea. However, I took my pill at 7:30am and didn’t start having diarrhea episodes until about 3:30pm so maybe the pill absorbed by then? IDK. (It was the morning AFTER this that I threw up the pill within 2 hours of taking)
Anyway, it’s been 12 days of taking it consistently and I had unprotected sex last night as I read my pamphlet and it says only 7 days after you start taking active pills could your risk for pregnancy increase. But now reading it over again, the wording is confusing just slightly and I think I’m messing myself up.
So just to get my head straight, I am protected, correct? Since it has been more than 7 days of active pills.
Side note: Also, I start my 2 day break in one day, since it’ll be less than 5 days since I had sex, should I continue with the next pack and skip the break?